Afternoon Sessions Vol. 5: Busy as Bees

Phew! This month has been a busy one!

We kicked it off by going out of town for Labor Day weekend to see our friends and family in Oregon, we came home and work got crazy, we had to gear up to plant our back lawn, we celebrated and went out of town for our seven (!) year anniversary, and then came back and planted said lawn!

I have such a hard time getting back on schedule when I've been going so much, and I'm trying to get back into my routine.

And on top of that, I have a list of projects and to-dos ten miles long! However, most of it is really exciting stuff that I will be sharing in the weeks to come :)

So for today, I will just give you a little update, first and foremost on our yard!

Here is what it looked like a few weeks after we moved in, by the time we were able to give it any sort of attention! After pulling so many weeds, and mowing it all down, we realized there was almost no grass in it. It became clear very quickly that we were going to need to replant it this year, so we've been working on it a ton for the last month.

Can you see Dane in there picking weeds somewhere?? Haha!

And here is it now! Granted, there was an in between when we were mowing everything down, but bare dirt still seems like an improvement over that. Now grass seed is down, and as long as I can keep from killing it, we will have a decent lawn to enjoy next summer :D

We are so excited, and it's a pretty big item off the to-do list for the house.

Now, on to the rest of what I've been up to the last few weeks!

Reading- A knitting pattern! I know, technically that's not really the same as reading a book, but I'm still pretty excited about it, and I can't wait to share what I'm making with you all! Although, if you follow me on Instagram, you already know what it is. If you don't follow me on Instagram, why not?? ;)

Drinking- Too much coffee again, and cherry-lime La Croix!

Listening- To this cover of Bad Blood by Megan Davies. It's so pretty that I decided I had to learn it. I've never really gotten the hang of finger picking on the guitar, but I think I finally got this one down!

Loving- That the first day of fall is tomorrow!! Whoop! And I bought some pretty new plaid scarves to get me through my most favorite season, and they are so cozy it's ridiculous. Also, I busted out my fall decor yesterday! It's a good week for Amy ;)

I'll be back later this week to share some of our anniversary pictures with you, and fill you in on some of the exciting things coming up!

Thanks for stopping by, and happy (almost) fall to y'all!

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