A couple weeks ago we went to the Oregon coast with my parents and siblings for my dad's 50th birthday :) We stayed at this little town called Yachats (Yaw-hawts) that my parent's always like to stay in, just a little bit south of Newport, Oregon. I intended to share some pictures from the trip last week, but those post-vacation-blues got to me (and things got busy) and I wasn't able to get it done.
It was one of those weeks where Monday seemed to stretch into more than one day, and everything I touched I made a big mess! I over-flowed my sink, I spilled everything I touched, and then I was under the weather while also being super busy. It was actually kind of funny, but this Monday is turning out to be much better haha.
The trip was a lot of fun though, and it was great to have a whole week of hanging out with my family at the beach. And the weather! It was perfect, kind of chilly some days, and definitely sweater weather! I'm always happy when it's sweater weather, haha!
One day was pretty warm and we lucked out and had almost no wind, so we went swimming in the ocean that day. The hotel we stayed at was right on a wide, flat part of the beach, and you can go out really far into the water and it doesn't get very deep. It's a great swimming beach when the weather is good.
We also were nearby the Oregon Coast Aquarium and so we spent one afternoon walking around there. It was more fun than I thought it was going to be (I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be, but things like that just aren't usually my first choice), and it had been so long since I'd been to an aquarium, it was pretty cool to see.
My favorites were the jelly fish and the harbor seals (which I didn't get a good picture of) and the sea anemones :)
I also convinced my parents to come hike up to the lookout at Cape Perpetua, even though it was so foggy/smoky that day that you couldn't really see down to the coast. I just love how that area is both woods and coast, and I wanted to go enjoy some of the trees :) even though we couldn't see down, it was still fun!
I had a lot of fun, my sisters and I played nertz almost every night, and it was nice to spend some time with my parents since I hadn't seen them since June. There was a lot of silliness, and good times, and lots of photo evidence ;) haha!
I just love my little sisters! :)
In other news, I also have a house update to share with you this week, so it's a good week on the blog, haha! I thought I would have one way sooner than this, but that is house building as I'm finding out, so stay tuned for that.
I hope your Monday is treating you well, and thanks for stopping by!
My favorites were the jelly fish and the harbor seals (which I didn't get a good picture of) and the sea anemones :)
I also convinced my parents to come hike up to the lookout at Cape Perpetua, even though it was so foggy/smoky that day that you couldn't really see down to the coast. I just love how that area is both woods and coast, and I wanted to go enjoy some of the trees :) even though we couldn't see down, it was still fun!
I had a lot of fun, my sisters and I played nertz almost every night, and it was nice to spend some time with my parents since I hadn't seen them since June. There was a lot of silliness, and good times, and lots of photo evidence ;) haha!
I just love my little sisters! :)
In other news, I also have a house update to share with you this week, so it's a good week on the blog, haha! I thought I would have one way sooner than this, but that is house building as I'm finding out, so stay tuned for that.
I hope your Monday is treating you well, and thanks for stopping by!
- Monday, August 14, 2017