New Printable Christmas Card Designs + a Giveaway!

How can December be only a day away?!

This year feels like it flew by, especially the second half! We've been here on our new property for nine months now, and so much progress has been made. I'll be posting an update soon but that's not what I'm here to talk about today.

A couple weeks ago I listed a new art print and some new Christmas photo card designs in the shop! I'm so excited about the way these turned out. I've been transitioning more into brush calligraphy instead of actual hand lettering, and I've been having a lot of fun with it in new designs!

Since it's time to start thinking about sending cards out to your friends and family, it seems like a perfect time to have a sale and do a giveaway!

For the next week, all of my printable photo cards are 30% off. That means you get the design for less than $9, and then you can print as many of them as you'd like, wherever you like! And all physical products ship for free with any purchase over $10!

But, since it't the season of giving, I thought I'd go ahead and give a free design to not one, but TWO of my lucky followers! So all you have to do is send me your high resolution photo, I'll drop it into whatever design of your choosing, and send it back to you to print!

Just leave me a comment and tell me which design you'd choose and that's it! You're good to go. I'll choose a winner this Saturday, December 2nd.

Have you started thinking about your Christmas cards yet? Do you usually do a photo card, or do you like a traditional folded card?

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks to all of you who enter! Good luck! :)

Being Content in the Process

Today I just wanted to jump on here and write a little bit about some of our house progress, and how I've been feeling lately.

It's been eight and a half months since we bought our house and moved into the 5th wheel, and man does it seem like it's been forever! I have gone through different stages throughout the process, where sometimes it feels like things couldn't crawl any slower, and I'm going crazy wanting to be done, and other times where I'm good and excited about the process.

I haven't been able to pin point exactly what does it to make me move from one side to the other, but I've been back and forth a few times now haha. Right now I'm back in my, "I'm going stir crazy and I can't be in this trailer another day," moods.

This time I feel like it's the looming holidays that brought it about. Decorating for fall and Christmas are some of my favorite things to do, and originally I was really hoping we would be in the house by Christmas. Well, remodels rarely go according to plan (and I knew that) so we're looking at being in maybe in February? I'm hoping!

So I sit here in my camper and get discontent because all I want is to be in my house already. I miss having a full kitchen with more than a foot of counter space. I miss having a dishwasher. Heck, I miss having my dishes! I packed most of them away, and only kept the bare essentials, because when we moved we weren't expecting it to take this long. I actually miss being able to really cook and I'm so looking forward to having a full kitchen again.

I miss having a real bathroom, and space to spread out. And a front yard that isn't half trash pile/half construction mess. It seems like we're in that stage where everything is close enough that we can see it coming together and still so far away from being done.

But, I have to remind myself that I wanted this (so badly!) and it will all be worth it. One year of not getting to decorate much for the holidays, the pink camper carpet that I can't keep clean to save my life, and all of the hard work will pay off and it will barely be a blip in the radar years from now.

And I know we're super fortunate to get to do this. I'm sure there are tons of people out there who would love to have this opportunity! Plus, being discontent isn't going to make things go any faster, so I'm going to try to suck it up and be happy in this stage, even though it's hard.

And writing this has helped. Sometimes just getting it out is a relief, and if you have any tips or tricks for being content, send them my way! Maybe I just need to get focused and work harder on the house so we'll be in it that much sooner. Plus, that's less time I'm sitting in my trailer, right? ;)

As far as house progress goes, we have actually been getting quite a bit done lately! We are currently waiting on our roof to be installed, and we're starting to get back to inside projects. Dane worked on and mostly finished our front entry (at least for now) and his dad helped us out a ton by raising the ceilings in the old part of the house!

My priming and painting kind of hit a stand still because I got the flu, and now that I'm better the rains are starting! But this weekend looks like we will get a break, so I'm hoping to keep working on it then. And this week Dane has started working on electrical and we should be installing windows soon too!

So even though it's going to be a winter in a 5th wheel, things are trucking along and I'm really so excited about the way it's coming together :)

Thanks for stopping by and listening to my boo-boos! Now I'm off to work on something productive. Happy Wednesday!

What a Beautiful Fall Season + a Photoshoot

Happy November! 

It seemed like it took a while (September is always warmer than I'd like), but a few weeks ago fall finally decided to arrive! And it arrived big time. I think southern Oregon is beautiful all the time, but this year and this season it seems exceptionally so! I've hit up the pumpkin patch with my sisters, and taken some pretty photos of all the beautiful trees. 

The leaves started changing and when they did they went fast. Everywhere you go these days, the trees are glowing red, orange, and yellow. And the smell! I love the smell of fall. Fresh, crisp, and a hint of smoke as the fire season ends and people start to do controlled burns again. It's all just so perfect and I'm soaking it all in (while simultaneously singing Christmas songs all day long, haha!).

And as most of you know, with fall every year, comes our annual fall photo! Since it's my favorite season, and I always want a new picture for our Christmas cards, it's become a tradition. Some years it's just a simple selfie, (and last year I skipped the card and did a video!) but this year my super talented friend took them for us :)

A couple of weeks ago our good friends Alan and Toni got to come to town and see us, and we had a great week hanging out with them! It was like we were on vacation too! We got to take them around town, show them all of our favorite places and eat way too much good food haha. We spent a night at the coast with them, and Toni and I did a little photo trade with each other (with her good camera). They're so cute, and I loved how theirs turned out. You can go see them here.

I didn't want a full on shoot, since I only needed one photo, but we got several good ones to choose from. I was originally going to just do it myself, but she offered and I figured she would be a million times better than me trying to use my phone, haha! So we dolled up and ran out to our back yard one evening while they were here. The oak trees were turning a beautiful golden yellow and I definitely got that fall look I was going for.

She even took a couple of just me, so hello new headshot!

Now I just need to pick the one I'm using!

Alright, I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day, and I'm off to work on some new cards and prints that will be in the shop soon! Thanks for stopping by!

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