What a Beautiful Fall Season + a Photoshoot
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Happy November!
It seemed like it took a while (September is always warmer than I'd like), but a few weeks ago fall finally decided to arrive! And it arrived big time. I think southern Oregon is beautiful all the time, but this year and this season it seems exceptionally so! I've hit up the pumpkin patch with my sisters, and taken some pretty photos of all the beautiful trees.
The leaves started changing and when they did they went fast. Everywhere you go these days, the trees are glowing red, orange, and yellow. And the smell! I love the smell of fall. Fresh, crisp, and a hint of smoke as the fire season ends and people start to do controlled burns again. It's all just so perfect and I'm soaking it all in (while simultaneously singing Christmas songs all day long, haha!).
And as most of you know, with fall every year, comes our annual fall photo! Since it's my favorite season, and I always want a new picture for our Christmas cards, it's become a tradition. Some years it's just a simple selfie, (and last year I skipped the card and did a video!) but this year my super talented friend took them for us :)
A couple of weeks ago our good friends Alan and Toni got to come to town and see us, and we had a great week hanging out with them! It was like we were on vacation too! We got to take them around town, show them all of our favorite places and eat way too much good food haha. We spent a night at the coast with them, and Toni and I did a little photo trade with each other (with her good camera). They're so cute, and I loved how theirs turned out. You can go see them here.
I didn't want a full on shoot, since I only needed one photo, but we got several good ones to choose from. I was originally going to just do it myself, but she offered and I figured she would be a million times better than me trying to use my phone, haha! So we dolled up and ran out to our back yard one evening while they were here. The oak trees were turning a beautiful golden yellow and I definitely got that fall look I was going for.
She even took a couple of just me, so hello new headshot!
Now I just need to pick the one I'm using!
Alright, I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day, and I'm off to work on some new cards and prints that will be in the shop soon! Thanks for stopping by!
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