Tiny Home Love

Thursday, February 05, 2015

I have tiny houses on the brain lately! Wait. What is a tiny house, you ask?

Well, it's a house. And it's very tiny. Like, anywhere from 100-300 square feet of space, and usually on wheels because of laws preventing you from building a living structure that small on a foundation. (Which, don't even get me started on that...)

Basically, they are glorified campers, for all intents and purposes, but made to feel more live-able. There is usually nothing camper-like about the layouts, and they are generally made with alternate power options and composting toilets so they can be as on or off the grid as you want!

They fascinate and interest me to no end! I recommend watching the documentary Tiny on Netflix, if you have any interest, and there are tons of websites devoted to tiny houses online.

Now, I have been fascinated by these for a little while now, but just this week I came across this slide show by Country Living Magazine, and I fell in love! Tiny Heirloom Homes is a company that manufactures them in Portland, and they do some great work! Here, let me just show you some pictures:

It's like my dream home in minuscule! I love these kinds of details (white washed groove and tongue walls, exposed wood beams, farm house style) and I always thought that I would be willing to go smaller in space to be able to have the nice details I wanted.....but 200 square feet small??

It's crazy to think about what life would be like if you only had a house the size of a (small) living room. (It actually is just smaller than my small living room!) And I look around at my stuff and realize that I have very few things that I wouldn't be willing to part with, and that I probably could get rid of enough to downsize to that scale.

The idea is that for the price (and there are a lot of tiny homes at a lower price point than the Heirlooms) housing is more affordable. And it would give you options, and freedom, while still owning a home.

Think of your dream property. Maybe it's by the beach, or in the mountains. Somewhere you have always wanted to be. Would it be worth it to downsize your life and live more simply, if it meant you could live there? That is supposed to be one of the ideas behind it all.

I guess people move to apartments smaller than these, because their dream is to live in a big city, so it happens all the time. And the tiny house movement is growing by leaps and bounds it seems.

So, what do you think? Is this something you would ever be able to do? Why or why not? I would love to hear about it!

Thanks for stopping in!

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