The Most Wonderful Time
Monday, November 07, 2016
Hey guys! I can't believe it's already almost halfway through November...
It's time to start thinking about gift lists, shopping, holiday meals, and Christmas cards!
I'm afraid I don't have anything new this year, but I'm still pretty in love with the collections I designed last year, and I was a little late getting them out so I think they're still good ;)
I may re-work a couple into art prints, because I feel like they would make adorable Christmas decor, so I probably better get cracking on that. I'm running low on time! Haha!
These individual cards here are still my favorites, but I offer all ten Christmas cards as singles, and as two sets as well. Check them all out in my Etsy shop, or by clicking the shop tab above!
And as an incentive to all of you early birds out there, I'm offering free shipping on any purchase over $10, until November 23! Just use the code XMAS16.
Ugh, I'm so excited for this time of year, it's ridiculous! It's getting me all kinds of motivated, which is good because I have a lot of stuff on my to do list in the next few months. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to some Christmas music and dream of decorations....
Thanks for stopping by! :)
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