The Forever Cottage: Framing and Siding
Thursday, September 07, 2017I'm finally back with a house update for you all!
It seemed like a slow summer in terms of progress, but we've actually gotten a ton done since the last time I posted an update. Right now we're in the process of trying to beat the rainy season and get the outside wrapped up and roofed. So far we're on track, but we really only have a month or so until the rains usually come, so wish us luck that we can get it done!
Dane's been working on things like crazy, and I'm so appreciative :) I have my own list of things I need to do while the weather is still warm and dry, and then it'll be onto the best part: the interior!
But first, let me run you through our progress.
We got the foundation poured in June, and let me tell you, that part took so stinking long! There's a lot of little details and when you're mostly a one person operation, it takes a chunk of time. Then we got our rough plumbing done, and subfloor laid.
After subfloor came one of the most exciting parts, the framing! It took a couple of weeks to get the framing completed, but it was so fun to see it start taking shape. To actually be able to walk around inside and see the sizes of the rooms was so awesome, I was practically giddy!
Next came our outdoor siding, and now it's really looking like a house. We decided to match the existing siding on the old part of the house instead of re-siding the whole thing, and I actually really like the siding. It's not something I've seen very often, (it's more common to see it where the gaps are spaced farther apart) and I think it's pretty cute. Dane got that finished last week and sometime in the next few weeks I'm going to start painting! :)
Our list for the coming month includes: building our front entry (which should have been done already, but I didn't finalize what I wanted until a couple weeks ago. Whoops!), fine tuning where to two parts of the house connect, installing ceiling joists, new fascia, roofing, and painting! In fact, our joists are coming in this week and they'll be going up this weekend!
After a summer of what felt like crawling at a snail's pace at times, it feels so good to be making some big, visible progress. And I should say, I am way better at sharing up to date progress over on my instagram stories, so if you aren't following me over there, you should ;)
That's all I have for today, but soon I'll be sharing all of my light fixtures (which I did already share on instagram), and some more inspo posts. I hope you all have a great Thursday, and thanks for stopping by!
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