Sunday Currently: Volume 18
Sunday, June 16, 2013
We are currently on our first vacation of the summer! It's a work/vacay trip, but it's been super fun so far. We've spent some time at the beach, bought some cheap produce, and rode a roller coaster! Right now we're set up in our nicest hotel of the trip, in the suite that Dane's work put us up in. This place has complimentary cocktails and snacks for two hours every evening!
Anyway, here's a few pics of our trip so far, there will be a lot more to come!
Dane and I on the beach!
Beach in Marina, CA
Farm stand fun :)
Reading I just started reading The Lost Wife, by Alyson Richman. I picked it up today from Bookstore Santa Cruz, and it's really good so far! It's about a Jewish couple, newly wed, separated during WWII. I think it's going to be a very good read!
Writing Nothing really, but I will have lots of time to myself the next couple of days to write about our trip so far!
Listening The air conditioner. We don't have anything else running at the moment. Dane is messing with his tech-y stuff at the moment, and I'm on mine. So, there's pretty much silence. Except, we were just discussing the flushing options on the toilet, ha!
Thinking About what I'm going to do the next couple of days. I'm thinking pretty much just being lazy.
Smelling That hotel smell. Has anyone else noticed that most hotels smell the same? And also, our complimentary bag of popcorn!
Wishing That I hadn't ate that popcorn, ha! I haven't been doing my workouts the last few days, and coupled with all the eating out we've been doing, means that I'm feeling super bloated.
Hoping To eat a little better tomorrow, and that Dane wants to head down to the pool soon.
Loving Summer vacations, and companies that put their employees up in super nice hotels, ha!
Wanting To head down to that pool, so time to wrap this thing up.
Feeling Pretty fantastic!
Clicking Nothing really. Facebook and Google maps have pretty much been it.
Thinking About what I'm going to do the next couple of days. I'm thinking pretty much just being lazy.
Smelling That hotel smell. Has anyone else noticed that most hotels smell the same? And also, our complimentary bag of popcorn!
Wishing That I hadn't ate that popcorn, ha! I haven't been doing my workouts the last few days, and coupled with all the eating out we've been doing, means that I'm feeling super bloated.
Hoping To eat a little better tomorrow, and that Dane wants to head down to the pool soon.
Loving Summer vacations, and companies that put their employees up in super nice hotels, ha!
Wanting To head down to that pool, so time to wrap this thing up.
Feeling Pretty fantastic!
Clicking Nothing really. Facebook and Google maps have pretty much been it.
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