
Saturday, October 08, 2011

It is a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest, and I'm loving it! It was perfect 'walking around downtown' weather. I grabbed a coffee and went to get my wonderful grandma a birthday present this afternoon, and I found a little something for myself too.There were these really cute little coasters that were on sale and I just couldn't pass them up!

It's not the best picture ever, there are a lot of blues that don't come through that great, but you get the idea. I was very proud of this find, but I only bought four and I should have got all six! I may have to run back in there soon before they're gone!

Now the town where I live has an old town stretch with a lot of really great little stores ranging from gifts and home decor, to bath and hair care products! It also has a lot of cute antique stores. I love walking around and just browsing in them. It's the best way to spend a lazy afternoon! I recommend anyone with time on their hands and access to something like this to just go, even if you can only window shop. There is so much inspiration to be found from the kinds of old classic pieces they carry. And who knows? Maybe you'll find that one thing that you never knew you needed! So happy shopping!

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