Happies and Crappies Friday #13

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up

  1. I've gotten back into working out lately, and I'm feeling great! I really needed to get myself moving again, and after these last couple of weeks, I'm to be happy seeing those results again.
  2. I've been working so, so much! I love staying busy like this, and I actually don't feel like I'm behind on things! (besides blogging, but I'll get to that) I'm so glad that I love my job as much as I do, because I don't think I could be this happy about  all the time I spend there otherwise. 
  3. Dane finished his school term this week, so he's going to have some more time on his hands for the next few months! I'm excited, and I know he is too. It's been a busy, packed, and stressful spring for him!
  4. Handsome has been behaving really well lately. He's still having some issues with jumping up on us, but overall, he's improving a lot! This is great, because we're taking him camping in a week! He's always surprised me with how well he does camping, even when he was a puppy, so I'm not too worried about it though.

  1. Well, obviously the biggest crappy for this week is the fact that I seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth! Between work, and trying to keep up with chores, I just have been way too tired to write! I'm way behind on the BEDM challenge, and I haven't posted since Sunday! Blogger fail! These next few weeks will be just as busy though, so I need to figure out a system that still lets me fit in my blogging.
  2. The Office ended! I'm watching the last episode as I write this right now, and I think I might cry! I love this show, and this finale is a doozy! It just makes me so sad when something that has been around for so long is going away. I guess that just means it's time to start watching re-runs on Netflix!

Well, I hope to start catching up a little bit around here, and to not let myself fall so far behind again! This was the longest I've gone without writing in months, and I'm not a fan. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday, and a great weekend!

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