Sunday Currently: Volume 16

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Reading  I'm still reading on the Great Gatsby. I haven't gotten too far, but I'm hoping to get it done soon, because we want to go see it for Dane's birthday! 
Writing  SPretty much nothing! I slacked off so bad last week, and even now I'm writing this on Sunday evening, instead of in the morning like I usually do. I need to get some posts drafted so I have them ready for the week. I'm going to be just as busy in the coming up days, as I was last week!
Listening  To my dog barking. He's driving me up the wall today, just barking at everything!
Thinking  About all of the things I should be doing tonight, and everything I need to get done this week. But after I write this, Dane and I are going to watch The Office on Netflix instead, ha!
Smelling  Fresh air from having the windows open~
Wishing  That I had been more on top of my blogging lately. I really, really don't like that I slacked off so bad on the BEDM challenge!
Hoping  To get a new bed frame this week, before my family comes over. I have two sets of mattresses on top of one frame, and that will definitely not work! We've had our new mattress for a while, we just haven't gotten around to buying a frame. Nothing like waiting until the last minute!
Loving  Ice! I've been eating a lot of ice, and drinking a lot of ice water lately. Maybe I'm low on iron? I don't know, but I've been enjoying it.
Wanting  To get all caught up on my laundry tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the week! I'm tired of being so behind on it.
Needing  To eat some food. I've been snacking on almonds, but I don't think they're cutting it. I'm wanting something a little more substantial!
Feeling  Good, but a little tired. Pretty much my usual, but that's a-ok with me.
Clicking  Not on much. I've been super busy, and nothing's standing out. Still the occasional Pinterest spree, and that's about it. 

Linking up with Lauren :)

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  1. Nothing wrong with eating ice, I do it too!

  2. I am a new follower via BlogLovin
    Please follow back at

    Have a very blessed day

  3. New follower from the blog hop...cute blog!


  4. Found your blog via the Bloglovin Blog Hop...looking forward to seeing more!

    Katie @

  5. Stopping by from the Bloglovin' Collective Blog Hop.

    It's a good book. Well worth the read.


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