Happies and Crappies Friday Link-Up

Friday, February 01, 2013

Scissors and a Whisk: Happies and Crappies Link Up

Linking up today with Sarah and Stephanie for Happies and Crappies!


1. I have been able to keep up on my posts really well this week! I'm feeling so much more drive and focus when it comes to writing and coming up with ideas. I hope I can keep this forward momentum up!

2. Getting my hair done was a major win for my week. I'm going to have to watch how often I wash it though, because I don't want it to fade too quickly. I guess this means I'll have to start practicing those dirty hair buns more often. It's totally worth it though, and I'm still loving how it turned out!

3. I'm still riding high off of my awesome thrift store finds! Mirrors are one of my favorite home accessories. I just don't think you can have too many. I love finding good deals, and now going thrift store shopping always makes me think of Macklemore and Lewis! (Not a very nice song, but funny and catchy nonetheless)

4. After having been planned for a month, my date night with Dane is finally here! Not that it's been that long since we've had a date night, but tonight he has promised to take me ice skating! There is a (supposedly) sweet outdoor rink in a nearby town, and we're going there for the first time. It's also going to be the first time we've ever ice skated together period, so I'm sure it will be a blast. You can probably expect an upcoming post about it!

5. Super Bowl Sunday is only two days away, and our 49ers are playing! Whoop, whoop! We're going to have some friends over to have lunch and watch the game, so I'm pretty excited. And crossing my fingers that the Niners come out champions!


1. Sometimes I read other blogs and I just can't believe how amazingly talented these women are. It makes me wonder if I really have it in me to create a successful blog that people will want to read. It doesn't help when I start to feel overwhelmed by all of the stuff I don't know about blogging!

2. Still having zero motivation to work out lately. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get my foot out the door, whether its to the gym or just on the pavement. I know the longer I go though, the harder it's going to be to get back in my groove.

3. This is not so much a crappie for me, but I'm bummed for Dane. He has been wanting to go fishing all week, but the river and the fish just aren't cooperating. Sounds like nobody we know is having any luck, so he probably won't get to go this weekend like he had hoped. Good thing fishing season lasts a couple of months!

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  1. Hey girly, go check this out. Kaitlyn at Wifessionals has set up a "Bigs & Littles" match up where those with bigger, more successful blogs get matched up with newer bloggers to help them out! I think you'd like it :)


  2. Oh gosh! Your crappies 1 & 2 are totally me right now. I want so bad to be a successful blog, but I just feel so boring sometimes...and I'm currently procrastinating the gym by typing...


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