Oil Cleansing Method & A Bit About My Make Up

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

totally bare

Ahh! What is that thing?! Oh wait, that's just my face, au natural. Sorry to scare you, but there it is. Just kidding, but I the point of this is that I wanted to show you how clear my face has been the past few days. Even if I don't love it when I'm not wearing make up, I do love that I'm not totally covered in blemishes anymore!

Tonight will be the fourth night since I've started using the oil cleansing method to clean my face, and so far it has been going really well! I haven't had any major break outs, which modern thinking suggests would be the case, and my overall skin quality seems to be improving. I've noticed a few little pimples, but not many, and most of my acne seems to be clearing up. I'm prone to breaking out with those giant cysts that are impossible to pop, and they stay huge, red, and painful for days! This winter has been particularly bad for those, but I've had to deal with dry flaky patches all over over my face too! I also have a nose full of blackheads, that I've had since I was probably ten years old.

My pores overall seem to be looking better, especially on my nose, and I have no new major blemishes to report. I understand that the whole thing seems very counter intuitive, and I was definitely a skeptic the first time I heard about it. Even last night, when I was getting in the shower, I felt like my face was so dirty, and all I wanted to do was scrub at it with some soap! I didn't though, and my face has always felt clean after using the oil. The key is knowing that oil dissolves oil, so all that gunk stuck in your pores will be broken up and cleaned out. Also, if you have oily or acne prone skin, you need to use a combination of castor oil mixed with any other cold pressed vegetable oil. I use evoo, and I do a one part castor to three parts olive oil mixture. So far that seems to be doing the trick!

Like I mentioned before, I got most of my information from this article, but if you search the internet there are a lot more posts and articles about it! I also got some of my questions answered by my friend Molly, who has been using this method for over a year. She loves it, and says that she can get away with using just olive oil on her face. I've heard some people say that you don't need to do this every day, but I wear make up most days and to not wash that off seems like a bad idea. I suppose if you didn't wear make up a lot, then that would work for you, because this method is more time consuming than your normal face washing routine.

I would suggest you check out that article I mentioned, and maybe do a little internet research, if you think this is something that would work for you. From what I understand, it seems to be perfect for all skin types, and the only thing that changes from skin type to skin type is the amount of castor oil you use. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who struggles with their skin, and with the way the weather's been this winter, I don't think there are many of us who aren't.

Also, since I showed you all my naked face, I wanted to show what I look like with my every day make up. I used to change up my techniques a lot, and whether I went heavy or light just depended on my mood, but lately I prefer a lighter look. As you can see, there's not a huge difference between the two, and I would definitely consider this a natural make up look.


These are the products that I use most of the time. I don't always stick to the same brands for everything, I like to try out new products, but some of my basics tend to always be the same. I really like Maybelline, and Avon, so those are brands that I use a lot. My mascara is almost always the same, that classic pink and green, and I used to sell Avon (kind of, I may have done more buying than selling). Recently though, I decided to try out BB Cream, and I have to say that I love it! I get the coverage I would expect from a foundation, but it's so much smoother and it blends so flawlessly into my skin! Here are all the products that I used today for this picture, and they are my current go-tos for my every day look.

1. Maybelline Expert Wear Eye Shadow in Chic Naturals: Almond Satin
2. Rimmel London Hide the Blemish Concealer stick in Soft Honey
3. Avon Be Blushed Cheek Color in Powder Pink
4. Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeliner in Brownish Black
5. Garnier BB Cream Skin Renew Miracle Skin Perfector in Light/Medium
6. Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Very Black

As always, these are very cheap, all at drugstore prices. I don't do the whole department store make up thing, because frankly, I can't afford it! I'm sure there is a huge difference in quality, but I am really happy with the results I get from all of these products. If there is something here that you have thought about trying, but put off, I would definitely recommend any of these!

Ok, sorry for the novel everybody, what was just supposed to be my oil cleansing update turned into a whole face post! I hope you got some good information though, and thanks for sticking it out until the end!

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